ii am AIPING! (:
ii've GIVEN UP hope. <body><script type="text/javascript"> function setAttributeOnload(object, attribute, val) { if(window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load', function(){ object[attribute] = val; }, false); } else { window.attachEvent('onload', function(){ object[attribute] = val; }); } } </script> <div id="navbar-iframe-container"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> gapi.load("gapi.iframes:gapi.iframes.style.bubble", function() { if (gapi.iframes && gapi.iframes.getContext) { gapi.iframes.getContext().openChild({ url: 'https://www.blogger.com/navbar.g?targetBlogID\x3d7680379222714488698\x26blogName\x3dbloggiie+(:\x26publishMode\x3dPUBLISH_MODE_BLOGSPOT\x26navbarType\x3dBLUE\x26layoutType\x3dCLASSIC\x26searchRoot\x3dhttps://ihatemyself---ap.blogspot.com/search\x26blogLocale\x3den_US\x26v\x3d2\x26homepageUrl\x3dhttps://ihatemyself---ap.blogspot.com/\x26vt\x3d-853137620478312319', where: document.getElementById("navbar-iframe-container"), id: "navbar-iframe" }); } }); </script>

the BIG BIG world n the SMALL SMALL mii.
iim SEE AIPING, apple..
deeply in love with PINK & #3.
came to tis world on o7.11.94.
currently schooling in SP.

♥ MSN: seaapple1994@hotmail.com

since 18o7o9, ♥

ii find no purpose in my life.. sometimes, i realli wonder wad am ii living for..?
♥CHAT time!



even TALLER tis time pls!
the BiG BiG kinder SURPRISE! d:
go singapore ZOO! ):
go overseas with my dearest frens (:
go shopping with my <3LY frens again!
go on a real holiday with my family..
i wan to be skinny!!
a pink instax mini!
everything i own to be pink! :D


♥CLASS BLOG; 2e4’08
♥CLASS BLOG; 3e1’09


Do NOT remove credits
The Monsters will haunt you at night
Designer:--BANG BANGx

Sunday, November 13, 2011

suddenly having suicidal thoughts.. i donno who to turn to. cos i donno who to believe. i donno wad's the right decision to make now.. how i wish someone could tell mii.. i donno why i keep having negative thoughts. i can't help it.. is there something wrong with mii? i hate this feeling. help.. i donno who are my true frens.. i really donno.. ): this sucks.

Blogged @ 10:10 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Monday, August 22, 2011

today's econs exam!
1 more paper left! which is pacc :/
today econs i think is manageable.
but i really hope i can do well in it.
cos whenever i find a paper is still manageable to do,
it turns out to be badly done :/
haiis. *prays hard can score well*

pacc uh pacc.. i really no confident in u sia!
scare lehhs.. ): haiis!
i really really really really hope i can manage the pacc exam.
cos the previous one was kinda..... bad.. TSK.
i can't even balance the sum!
this time round, there's so many things added into it! OMG lahhs.
i donno how am i gonna cope sia.
n i haven't even start studying yet..
seriously no mood to study lor. rahhs.....

Blogged @ 11:45 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Today is mummy's bday!! <3
msg her at 12 midnight! n found out tat she's still not asleep!
somemore still reply mii! LOL.
shock shock shock :x
hahahas! so cute lahhs her!

morning they went out to buy things and ingredients.
lunch time my sis cook DIY mushroom soup.

now it's gonna be dinner time soon!
they're going to dabao dinner at Soup Restaurant!

omg lehhs, tmr is econs exam! *nervous*
haiis. i feel guilty for not studying much for econs lor..
feel so unprepared sia. howwwwwwww.. i feel so slack!!! D:
heard tat it's pretty tough.
i really hope i can cope it!
during this study period i keep get distracted by my tv n comp!!
DAMN! x.x
*prays hard that i can do well for econs*
lately i donno why i've not been my usual self.
i can't really seems to study. get moody very easily. :/
i really nidda switch on my study mood!! AHHHHH!

Blogged @ 6:45 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Friday, August 19, 2011

it's been so many months since i last blogged.
time flies so fast..
iim now in SP n i get to meet my awesome classmates!
they're so nice! <3
i hope this will continue forever n ever n ever n ever~! hahahas.
sometimes, i feel so loved by them!
cos they really show concern for mii when iim REALLY sad!
so touched by them.. although i noe them for only a few months,
we're really bonded already!! <3
teehees! i really really really love my current class now!
i hope tat conflicts and misunderstandings won't tear us apart!
i just love their awesomeness! (:
makes mii laugh like mad!
we're like those really really close siblings LOL.

我还没忘记你.. ):

Blogged @ 4:43 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Saturday, May 7, 2011

until now, i still couldn't forget our happy memories..
i tried to convince myself that i love u no more.
but i guess it fails..
this time, it's just too deep.
guess i'll just have to wait for time to heal my wound..
everytime when i thought of the time, it hurts sooooooo much ):
i didnt expect things to turn out this way :/
fmll(fuck my love life)

wad a woman really nid from her man is security, to assure his love for her. it's the key to a successful relationship.

Blogged @ 1:54 AM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Sunday, April 10, 2011

i didn't regret being with u.
cos u've made mii felt something extraordinary tat i didn't felt before..
although it's over, i'll still rmb those wonderful memories u gave mii.
u're the first person tat made mii felt this way..

now iim trying very hard to forget u. perhaps time will heal my wound..

Blogged @ 9:40 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Saturday, March 26, 2011

hmm.. let's see.. today,
i woke up around 12pm+.
used the comp whole day. i also kinda forget wad i did also.
normal stuffs perhaps. fb-ing, twitter-ing, surfing the net n gaming?
i finally get to play gunbound today!!
created a new acc, cos i cant seem to login my old acc D:
bad memories.
cos someone used to hack my old acc ):
then all my efforts are gone. haiish..
so now, new acc, new start!
n there's so many new mobiles! some are super hard to use ahhh.

haiis, n lately, iim not feeling myself.
everything seems so weird.
iim actually in no mood for anything.. no mood to sms, talk or anything.
i may appear to be enthu in games, but, deep in my heart, i don't really feel excited actually.
n now, games are the only thing tat can distract mii a little.. ):

i can't help it but to keep thinking of those times, crying becos their all just gonna be a memory n not reality anymore, realising how naive i was to believe in love again, n dreaming tat u would ever wan mii in ur life again. ):

if a person truely loves u, tat person won't give up on u easily until they got u.

Blogged @ 10:07 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Thursday, March 17, 2011

HI BLOG! iim back!
lately, something happened.
but well, wad can i do?
everything's over now.. cos once a person don't want to try anymore, tat means tat person is not the one for you.
if he would, he will try all his best n not give up easily.
if u really like tat person, cherish them.
don't let them run away.
cos humans have feelings, objects don't.
don't give up someone becos of an object, really.
it's not worth it.

nvm, i'll wait for someone who will really cherish n love mii wholeheartedly.
hao de dong xi, shi zhi de deng dai derhhs.
but first, must.overcome.this.obstacle ):
it's always so hurting, but well, wad can i do..
think positive AIPING! x.x
haiis........! are promises n trust just meant to be broken? ):

Blogged @ 12:39 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

if you feel that the person you love, doesnt love you, you're probably right.
cause if they do, there's no way they would let you think that way.

Blogged @ 1:20 AM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Sunday, March 13, 2011

YAY! bought my very OWN laptop today!
like finally!! finally have my own laptop le~~
big thankkks to my jiefu again for helping mii to settle everything!
help mii bargain, carry the canon printer n spent his working time on mii!
it's all white though.
i wanna get a pink skin n a pink casing if possible!!
cos i really like pinkkkkkk very muchhhhhhhh! <3
i don't wan to be a substitute or back up, i wan to be the first priority ):
i wish u were as sweet as before...

Blogged @ 9:50 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Thursday, March 10, 2011

iim learning, to be more daring.
i can't always be hiding n being timid.
i want to voice out how i feel n wad i noe.
i don't want to keep everything to myself.
i want to be myself..! <3

Blogged @ 1:51 AM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

haiis. ytd sis went overseas. today dad went overseas.
the house is gonna be sooo quiet now already..
haiis.. wth. i can't stop sighing.. ):
how i wish i can delete the sad emotion within mii.
it hurts a lot....! somemore i have to experience it a few times??
fml man.. ): i can feel tat there's this heavy rock pressing against my heart.
hen xin ku... tears after tears..
i just wanna be happiie...
i wan to be loved n cared wholeheartedly.
but this wish of mine seems so bleak.
iim envious of others.. REALLY envious.. )':

Blogged @ 2:10 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

when will u realise tat i really care about u..
n u just trash it away..
sad ttm.. i tot this time would be different..
but maybe i was wrong..
iim so gullible n stupid to believe in love again..
wad's the point of loving n caring so much for a person n yet tat person don't feel anything..
it hurts a lot to noe tat my love was useless.. )':
problems after problems. obstacles after obstacles.
brokenhearted is wad i get times n times again..
be it frenship or any relationship.
can't life be simpler..?
i can't really describe my mood now already..
it's like.. everything i do just fail..
wo hao mei yong.. ):

Blogged @ 12:45 AM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Monday, March 7, 2011

a brief post today.
woke up at afternoon,
went temple to cai xiao ren,
went sis's house to see berri,
went dinner,
went temple again,
went northpoint n back home!

iim still sad.. ):

Blogged @ 12:14 AM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Saturday, March 5, 2011

can someone tell mii wad shld i do...? ):

Blogged @ 11:50 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

sad sad sad. i wish tat life wouldn't have to be so difficult to live on.. )':
i really just wish to be happiie.. but why is it so difficult to fulfill this wish..
remaining positive n telling myself tat nth's hurting mii is just a lie.
i feel so wounded all over. i hope someone will noe how i feel... ):
quantity doesn't matters to mii. quality does.
i just wan to be loved n cared. tat's all wad it takes to make mii feel happiie.
but, it seems like an impossible wish.......

Blogged @ 9:29 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Thursday, March 3, 2011

the clear blue sky after a heavy rain..

today morning went for medical check up.
feel quite scare actually.. didn't done x-rays before.
the feeling is so damn weird ah :X
btw, i saw a couple of familiar faces too.
x-rays first, urine test, eye test n then consultation!
took a total of 1hour20mins like tat.. quite fast actually.
luckily i reach there about 10am+. if not the queue is getting longer after tat~
went ntuc, buy lunch n take bus home!
waited for 2pm to come so tat ry can pass mii the confirmation paper~
after tat went to send the 2 enrolment envelopes!
don't nid stress about tat anymore! (:
i really nid to thankks a few frens of mine, without them, i wouldn't have completed the enrolment forms ):
'tat's wad frens are for!' is wad ry told mii after i thanked him. i like this sentence! \m/
anw, today same old routine.. use comp n watch tv ):
haiissssssss! having headache throughout the day. it sucks, really. :/

Blogged @ 7:17 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

OMGGGGGG. my blog is rotting~
my last post was actually 2010! now it's 2011!
a brand new year, a brand new start yea?
so much much much much much things have happened.
just pray tat tmr's always a better day! :/
gonna upload some recent photos randomly~

china green cauliflower. shock mii much o.o

hong kong xin wang~

both of us dont eat yolk :x

saw the weird 2 lights in the sky? they're kites!

Blogged @ 6:05 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Friday, October 22, 2010

22 october 2010 is adss GRADUATION DAY.

firstly, met up with selena they all to sch. then nid go front gate cos side gate didnt open!
mafan, rahhhs.
during the graduation ceremony, quite sian actually.
nid wait quite long arhhs. i wan my small book back!
i havent read those who wrote for mii ):
after reading some ppl's de, iim quite touched lohhs.
didnt noe tis is how they feel towards mii. :D
i will miss 4E1'1o n 2e4'08 derhhs!
although there's so many unhappy past times and conflicts,
it's still quite memorable actually.
without them, i wouldn't have grow 'mentally' so fast.
i learnt a lot throughout my sec school life.
life, isn't as easy as u think.
things, may not go the way u wanted.
happiness, don't last forever ):
ppl, DO change.
there's times when iim super happy,
but there's times iim super duper emo lahhs.
i would hurt myself with all sorts of way,
which now come to think of it, is actually quite silly.
however, i CAN'T control it. HAHS!

in sec school life, i met wonderful frens!
be it males or females.
some of them realli cheered mii up when iim sad,
which iim realli veri happy about.
n from tis, i can see who realli cares, n who's realli ur fren.

haiis, but some, arggghs.
super duper chao ji @#%@#%#$.
in the end, i lost my super duper good frens )':
u noe how painful it is?
when u have someone so close to u,
yet was being snatched away,
n negelect u.
how would u feel?
since now they wan each other so much,
then i shall back off n interfere no more.
cos i see no point in joining u all since none of u even cares.
no matter how irresistible my tears wan to run out when i see those pics,
i knew it's over. not gonna dwell about it but look forward.
i hate her for ruining my friendships!

anw, i met awesome ppl in sec sch like, minjie! (:
he's such a great ahh dii lahhs :D
there's still others actually, but my post will end up too long le lahhs!
hahas. psps :X

i feel tat 4e1 is veri veri bonded after the class cheer n class chalet man! (:
u guys are so humourous n LAME :x
hehes. seriously.
i didnt felt so bonded before lor. it's like, wth, close jiu dui le lahhs :X

most importantly,
thankkks to some of the teachers, i managed to learn so much things :D
there's 2 teachers tat i really really LOVE,
mr chong is a super super super super great form teacher i've ever had!
he's also a great maths teacher! i like his teaching method arhhs.
slow n steady :D tat's how i build up my foundation (:
as for mrs tye, she always gives mii tat motherly feel~
she's so nice to chat with. if there's any maths qns u donno,
she's definitely the right person to ask :D

O's starting next monday. so fast ):
iim actually not prepared.
haiis. i've been so demoralised n depressed.
my grades are dropping lohhs. disappointed!
iim quite scared of eng too. if cant pass eng, there's nth much i can do.
AHHHHS, hope i can get good results for O level!
i will surely miss all my frens de.
thankkks for all the indelible moments we have had together.


PS: if u wan see my graduation day de photo, visit my facebook! :D

Blogged @ 3:22 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Friday, April 23, 2010

yes, i noe its my fault n i feel guilty alright.
tats why i apologised to u.
if u mind, u should have told mii.
i did not did it on purpose,
at tat time it was crowded,
n we were separated.
i did slow my pace to look behind to find u n hope u can catch up.
but got once,
i heard u told mii to just look in front n run.
but i didnt just keep run n look straight,
i still continue to look for ur sight.
if i didnt care,
i wouldnt even have bothered to look behind for u.
at the last round,
i felt very guilty so i eventually walk for a long distance n finally u managed to catch up.
at the last part,
we said we would sprint.
i was realli exhausted n feel like vomiting already,
so i tried to chiong all the way.
i didnt meant to purposely left u behind.
i noe i was in wrong n iim veri sorry.

when i apologised,
u said u dont mind,
so i can put my mind at ease.
but eventually, u were still upset about it.
u could have just told mii about it.
the next week of the run,
u suddenly ignore mii n avoid mii.
i tot wad i did wrong again,
i was so panicky n vex at tat time.
i was so lost why u were angry with mii.
if u didnt tell mii about it,
how would u expect mii to noe?
i cant read minds.
i heard it through someone n eventually found out it's this matter tat u are angry about.
iim veri grateful for wad u have done during the trial,
but i seriously did not meant to leave u behind.

ppl do make mistakes.
no frens are perfect.
we also got left 'her' behind.
but i did feel remorse about it n not deny the fact tat iim in wrong.
u asked wad kind of fren am i.
i noe iim not a perfect fren but i did help u in other matters.
when ur other frens left u behind,
i did accompany u during recess n left my other frens.
got once, u slapped until mii n i was angry.
after u apologised, i did forgave u.
at other times when u nid mii,
i did have been there for u.
so, now it's my 'turn' to make a mistake n hope u will forgive mii.
n iim really sorry.
other than apologising,
i realli do not noe wad i can do to make u forgive mii..

others, pls do not comment about this post.

Blogged @ 5:54 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Friday, February 19, 2010

omg! iim finally posting again. hahs!
hmm.. yesterday damn funni lor!
when i was doing the total defence pledge decoration, i wanted an orange highlighter..
so while i was doing, i asked jerryl " got orange? " n showed him the highlighter.
then ruiyang heard wad i said, n he say he got.
after awhile when he rummage his bag, he realli put one orange on my desk! LOL!
xiao si wo lor! :x hahahahaahs.

hmm.. today eventually dont wan go cca de..
but kenrich ask persuade mii go,
then i jiu go lohhs (:
today soo funni lor! at the last court play badminton with them..
then jiancong is my doubles partner. then i ask him stand in front of mii!
then he keep kanna tio smash by kenrich! LOL.
when i standing behind him n receive the shuttle,
i accidently hit the shuttle n fly pass close to his shoulder! hahas!
then he say i in cahoots with kenrich n jiajun. e1 vs e4 LOL.
then they keep say about tings, make mii laugh until my cheeks numb diao arhhs! :X
after tat mr chua wan take attendance..
after attendance, i went chatting with kenrich, jiancong n andrew instead.
then they keep saying about my height lor! say i one-metre onli =.=
take mrt is free then! LOL.
then say about scouts n blahh blahh blahhh :x
3pm+ mr chua came again to take attendance..
hmm.. then after tat went home with kenrich (:
hahas. thankks hor, wad a great fren! d:
reached home n......
growing fatter le lahhs!
but i just cant resist the temptation of FOOD~ x.x
end post!

oh ya, CNY i went malaysia to visit relatives..
had some pics but lazy to upload here.
for more pics, pls go facebook n check! :x

I LOVE IT d: hahas! tempting~
to: u noe who u are xD

Blogged @ 5:58 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Friday, February 12, 2010

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees~!! our hardwork paid off man!
damn nervous de lohhs. rahhhhhs.
but then when start perform just do the best i can! (:
i cant stop smiling!! :D n hope wont stop d:
this cheer realli bond our class together lor! although got some disagreements..
WOOOHOOOO! i foster bond with huisi lehhs~ HOHOHOS :D
damn funni de lor she d:
hehehes. "4E1 is the BEST!"

after the cheer, went back to class n get presents!!
when i at my table, minije n jerryl put all the lollipops n chocolate on my table!
OMG. my bag was like SOOOOO FULL. can't put anymore le lohhs :x
qi fu lehhs!! later CNY over i go back class, become twice the size i am now LOL.
hahahahas. yays~! won won won!! (:

I LOVE 4E1' 10!! :D

Blogged @ 1:31 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Friday, February 5, 2010

wow! it's been a long time since a post le :X
so badminton tournament was over! final result is......
we won 2 schools out of 5 schools..
anderson sec : 0-5
woodlands ring : 3-2
st nic girls : 1-4
marsiling : 3-2

hehes. quite happiie with the overall! at least we got the third? :x
after tournament soo tired lohhs.. n i missed 20lessons in total! tsk!
n i was like sooo lost lor. donno how to do the e.math tree diagram tingy.
soo funni can!! i draw from right to laugh, but by right should be left to right.
ruiyang n jerryl see liao keep laughing lohhs! rahhs! :X
then i tell them about when i was young, i write my name from right to left too!
like tis!!! -------------> gnipiA eeS
cute ehhs? :D LOL.
then my sis teach mii until pek cek lohhs xD

hmm.. next week is chinese new year le..
n iim going back to malaysia for a few days.. cos all my relatives there..
pls dont msg mii from 12feb night to 15feb if u dont wan to 'burst' ur bill :X
hahas. end post! (:

Blogged @ 5:14 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Friday, January 22, 2010


morning wake up, my throat feel weird weird like tat.
i donno if it is called sore throat. hahas! it's just soooo un comfortable jiu dui le.
alot of tings happened... haiis. dont wan talk about it.
today's period veri long lohhs. until 4.10pm. buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut.
skipped lesson from 1.15pm onwards cos got badminton tournament.
hahas! went to marsiling sec sch to compete with woodlands ring sec today.
my tis year n last year opponent is the same person lohhs!!! OMG LAHHS.
soo coincidence can! hahas. the match veri funni lohhs.
first set i won, 21-15.
second set i lose dao SIAO, 4-21.
third set i won, 21-15!
WOOHOOOS~! soo crazy mann!!!!!! 4 lehhs!! 4 lehhhhs!!
hahas. cos i tink is the opposite court feng shui bu hao :x
somemore behind de supporters soo noisy siia. distract dao mii. the lighting also veri bright.
rahhhhhhhs! but anw, overall win jiu hao! (:
total score for adss vs woodlands ring is 3-2 :D
hehes. close one!
all the singles win lehhhhs. hahas. soo happiie can win lahhs!!
omg! hehes. ohh lehh~~~~~~~ ohh lehh ohh lehh ohh lehh... ohh lehhh~ ohhh lehhh~
hahas! ps! i noe is lame :x

went home n iim damn tired. didnt managed to do anyting ):
soo i decided to wake up in the morning n at least chiong finish my chinese cos nid to pass up..


today wake up feel quite unwell.. my throat veri...
then ate breakfast.. chiong homework..
after tat i go fridge find strepsil to eat? hahas! cos hope can soothe it alittle.
iim scared iim gonna be sick! D:
after tat high fever n quarantined for a week, i veri scared liaos.
i tat time is weak daoooooooooooooo.... cant even move lohhs..
then my joints all tat veri 'suan'.
went home early today cos no CCA. today is boy's turn to tournament.
i didnt go n be supporter.. cos... *eh hem*
then so i went home alone cos others got CCA!! :x
rahhhhs. then go admiralty buy lunch with mum.
eat liao n now posting! (:
byee byeee!! iim gonna help mum make pineapple tart LOL! :x
end post! :D

Blogged @ 4:57 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

19th jan:

after logging in to lms in the morning jiu log out liaos.
cos my sis ask mii to go woodland sports hall to play badminton with her! d:
hehes. play 1 hour onli lahhs. when we playing, no ppl de lohhs. shiok lahhs! xD
but played half jiu start to have ppl coming in liaos~
after badminton i feel soo sleepy lohhs. can sleep immediately de siia!
then we went back home, bathed, ate lunch jiu go AMK hub to do something arhhs :x
lalalas. oh ya, got someting funni happen when mii, my mum n my sis heading to the mrt to go home.
when walking to mrt, nid to pass by a lane.
i happened to walk separately with my mum n sis cos they go down from a slope,
while i go down from the stairs.
then suddenly got a guy (donno is sales person or wad), came up to mii n say "hi!"
then i give a weird expression n wave my hand (tat means to say 'no' cos i tink he selling tings or wad bahhs?).
after that he look at mii n say "bye!" LOL :x
like soo funny lor! say "hi" n then "bye". diaos.....
i almost laughed out lehhs.

after reaching admiralty liaos jiu walk back home.
while walking, my sis pretend to be a stranger and walk pass my left n say "excuse me" in a deep voice lohhs! kns lahhs. hahas!

by the time reach home jiu veri veri tired le. rahhhhhs.
my eyes keep wan to close lohhs. but i still have plenty of LMS assignments to do!!
jerryl good lor! do finish liao lehhs! x.x chiong so fast! :X
okayokay, end post! hehes.

Blogged @ 8:34 AM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Monday, January 18, 2010

OMG! today is lms 1st day n iim getting sooooooooooooooooo BORED of it! -.-
rahhhhs! but today late wake up, quite shuang ehhs (: hehes.
when i online, onli about 3ppl online lohhs? hahas! but after tat...
gradually more n more ppl wake liaos. then when i doing lms, got 50++ ppl online! siao de.
then had an 'illegal gathering' in msn lehhs! LOL. dou shi partner partner lai de :D
hohohos! then keep talk talk talk. omg lahhs~ the computer soo distracting.
then i keep talk, facebook-ing n etc. tsk. then i do until damn slow.
haiissssssssssssss. some even chiong finish le! ahhhs!
banana didnt wait for mii jiu chiong finish lms le! soo bad! :x then 1pm+ msg mii say he in vivo.
shuang lohhs u! i still nid do lms >: hahahas. how can leave mii alone at home do D: hehes. jkjk lahhs~ :x have fun ohh~!

just now is damn funny de okay! i do situational writing halfway, mum came back.
then i go eat lunch.. after awhile went to continue doing again.
after tat mum feel like baking cake, so i jiu went to bake cake too LOL! omg lahhs! hehes.
sooo nice can! :x muahahahas. then it took mii soo long to finish the letter writing. hahas!
eeeeeeyyyeeerrrrrrrrr! still have more assignments to go! but iim still slacking here :X
rahhhhhhs. bu hao de!! tsk tsk tsk.
nvm, i 7pm MUST WATCH 'qi zi de you huo'!! wooots~! :D
later on then see wanna carry on do lms anot xD

today sec 3 must be having fun bahhs.. i miss the time in sec 3 camp (':
i still rmb bathing with shahirah. sleeping with her.. chatting with her about all sorts of personal things!
i will never forget de okay (: hehes. i realli miss tat time!!
i rmb when playing the flying fox, the instructor damn funni de!! keep make mii laugh siia.
then i damn ps lor! rahhhs. :X
hehes. okay okay. end here! BYEEE! (:

do not judge a person by its looks.
it can be decieving alright.
i tot he was soo cool n humorous!
until i found out his true self,
which makes mii wan to avoid him ):

Blogged @ 6:09 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Saturday, January 16, 2010

omg! today feel totally like a pig!
morning woke up, eat, watch tv..
after lunch eat, go sleep until 7pm..
then wake up.. bathe, n eat dinner.
wth LOL :X eat sleep eat sleep. ahhhhhhhhhs. cham! later becoming more fat D:

hmm.. recently heard mum saying about CNY tingy.
donno if tis year got go back malaysia to celebrate CNY anot..
i like the feeling of travelling to malaysia in the middle of the night. soo cool can!
all dark dark.. then i see the sky, got alot of stars.. omg lahhs!
i love tat moment. when wake up, i see the mountains all tat. hehes.
go there nid about 12hours lohhs~ such a long trip.
tis year 1st day CNY year is valentines day LOL. omg. soo coincidence.
hahas! i wonder ppl will go celebrate CNY or valentines :X
okay lahhs, ending here!

Blogged @ 9:05 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Friday, January 15, 2010

omg! iim so lazy to blog lahhs!! x.x
dont have the mood to type words~~ rahhhs.
basically, it's just another day at sch with cca after tat.
tsk! 3hours! faint. next week have tournament lehhs, haiis..
tink i will lose dao hen cham lohhhs D: then i niida skipped lesson lehhs. for at least 16periods! -.-
siao siao siao. rahhhs. can i stop posting already? cos iim really lazy! :X

Blogged @ 8:42 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

today veri tired.. hand ache dao siao. tsk!
cca 3pm-6pm.. lei si ren le lahhs. rahhhhs!
somemore soo much homework again, wo yao feng diao le lahhs! x.x
haiis haiis haiis! at class soo tired lohhs.
i wan sleep sleep sleep! ):

Blogged @ 7:43 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

not posting much today arhhs.
today is damn damn sleep de!
all the lessons i also wanna sleep x.x
sian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhs.
my tongue still hurts ): haiis...
alot oh homework today! tsk! siao de.

pls pls pls, bu yao zai shang xin le! zhen zuo qi lai..

Blogged @ 8:02 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Monday, January 11, 2010

today is a happiie day for some, a sad day for some....
GCE O level result release today!! omg!
congrats to those who did well! those didnt do so well dont so sad arhhs..
plsssssssssssssssssssssssssss dont sad anymore okay? ):
see u all sad, i also wanna cry already lehhs. haiiis...
i realli didnt noe tings will turn out tis way.... u must be veri sad now bahhs... ):
i realli donno wad to say to cheer u all up. but just... jyjys all the way.
dont give up..

omg! i bite until my tongue n it's bleeding! IT HURTS!! x.x

i had enough of this!

Blogged @ 7:52 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Sunday, January 10, 2010

today wake up, watch tv.
after tat went AMK hub to do something :X
then go northpoint eat lunch. go popular buy alot of pens LOL xD
then went home.

hmm.. i still rmb on midnight de 4th jan, i was chatting with my 2nd sis while trying to sleep.
she actually donno i am already sec 4! she tot i still sec 3 half year..
then recently my big sis ask mii i sec wad liaos.. i wanna faint le lahhs.
they both also donno i tis year sec 4 le siia. x.x
don't i look like one? don't i? don't i?

at night jiu chiong homework liaos.. haiissssssssssss. sian sian sian! ):
tmr still have badminton. awww..
i realli realli wish someone will understand how i totally totally totally feel....
cos i feel soo hopeless. seriously, iim just soo clueless.

real? fake? i donno!
but i tink is fake..........

Blogged @ 8:38 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Saturday, January 9, 2010

in the end didnt meet with my fren.
another day perhaps. hahas.

can i believe in love?

Blogged @ 11:34 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

morning 7am+ woke up, then try to sleep back again..
in the end i keep 'fan lai fu qu' until 8am+ jiu get up liaos.. rahhhs.
then i managed to finally read finish a book! omg lahhs. hahas :X
after tat doraemon zuo le! hehes. after tat watch zhong yi da ge da?
hmm.. then after tat everybody go down liaos, left mii alone at home cos eventually meeting someone in the morning.. last min jiu change to night arhhs..

hmm.. afternoon jiu vacuum floor LOL xD after all tat, i sat on my chair,
then fall asleep sia! tsk! hahahahs.
when i woke up, realise mum prepared hao dinner liaos..
then jiu go eat lohhs. after eating, jiu here i am, posting! (: hehes.

omg, he did it again.
wad am i suppose to do?
someone, help?

Blogged @ 7:36 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Friday, January 8, 2010

today morning got prize presentation.. after tat got 2periods of chemistry..
hmm.. quite confusing lehhs :x
follow by tat is MT period.. then chemistry again.. rahhhs. sian. soo mani chem lesson in 1 day :X
then finally recess time le! can relax abit (:
but after tat got social studies n e.math..
12.40pm jiu sch end le! :D
but starting of next week, will have 2 MT remedial lesson until 1.50pm lohhs ):

2pm to 5pm got cca.... so nid to wait..
hmm.. training was quite erm.... new to mii? the footwork all tat i didnt do before lohhs!
soo difficult lehhs. but i will try.. :D
the new coach last time is national player lai de wors..
soo tall n skinny LOL. veri different from other coach de teaching style..
ahhhhs! hope i can improve my skills!!!
okay lahhs, nth much to say, byeee!

i dont wan to be left out, tat's why i chose to be alone.
even if iim not the one being left out,
someone is bound to will. so, it will not be a good idea.
being neglected is so horrible, do u noe tat?

all this time, i truly thankk those who comfort mii...
it makes mii feel a sense of belonging n felt comforted.

Blogged @ 7:18 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Thursday, January 7, 2010

today's gonna be a very short post.
hmm.. reached home about 6pm cos got the cca openhouse tingy.
went home with mel..
my shoulder n neck is aching cos of yesterday's badminton training..
while practising backhand stroke, my head nid to look up all the way!
omg lahhhs! feel as though my neck is breaking soon! :X
sch end at 12.40, cca start at 2pm.
wad am i gonna do..? ): rahhhhs. nid to keep stay back.. hao sian arhhhs~~~~
somemore bag so heavy today! tsk!
end here! byeeeee! :x

OMG! iim actually shy! i donno how to react! :x

Blogged @ 8:07 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

hohohos! today got pe! then nid take height n weight.
arghhhhs. hate tis moment x.x unfortunately, i didnt grow TALLER! ))))))))))))))):
sadded lahhs! haiis. anyway, a new teacher gonna be teaching us pe.. o.o
first day of lesson with him already so naggy... :x after measurements jiu go run around sch..
after tat got E n A math lessons.. omg! i keep talking with the others lohhs! rahhhhs.

after recess is eng lesson.. n she used the NUMBER GENERATOR AGAIN! TSK.
make mii veri nervous lehhs!!! like gonna have heart attack anytime!! x.x
i dont like today de chinese lesson lahhs! make mii stand for 2periods jus cos i didnt bring txtbk.
but i got bring rest of the other tings lohhs! ppl do forget de mahhs!
we're not robot or wad..
dont have memory card in our head to prevent us from forgetting tings wad.
after tat jiu BREAK. then have geog lesson..
later on got cca lohhs.. until 5.30pm!
today came a new coach.. hmm.. he was a national player before wors o.o
he realli teach us tings tat are veri different from the other coaches..
we start from basic. which all along i wanted to learn...
cos my foundation not good, so dont realli noe how to improve.
finally tried my re-stringed racket. kinda weird :X
but i will try to adapt it bahhs! (:

tmr got CCA OPENHOUSE! sian!! rahhhhhhhhs. still nid stay back after my 4.10pm lesson ):
haiiissssssssssssssss. tired. okayokay, end here! i nid to chiong eng liaos!!!! x.x

wad shld i do...? ):

Blogged @ 7:14 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

today meet with selena again to sch (: saw mr wong. omg lahhs! :x
hahas. later reach sch jiu stay at canteen n chat chat. after tat saw melody LOL.
then is time to go line up at parade square le.. then today alot of ppl late lohhs..
vp walk pass our class n said 2 of my frens dye hair. siao lohhs! is they perm hair then become like tat de wad. tsk. then we keep say about her.. :x hehes.
today lesson damn long de! until 4.10pm ): but luckily got jerryl, ruiyang n minjie to keep mii laughing lohhs! they soo funni can!! make mii laugh until i bth siia :X veri disiao lehhs.. hahahas.

after tat went back home with mel.. reach home no ppl at home.. sis n mum went chinatown! rahhhs. didnt bring mii :X
after tat they came back.. when i open the door, my sis damn random de lohhs!
suddenly say i look like hush puppy -.- cos my fringe tie up.. LOL. tsk! then i blur diao sia.
after tat, i received msg tat tmr got cca! ARGHHHS. qi si wo lahhs!! i dont wan go cca!!! ):
sian sian sian! super super sian! tsk!!! badminton is 2.30pm - 5.30pm. but my lesson end at 3pm.
sooo can get to late attend cca :x hehes. but i still dont feel like going cca lahhs D:
haiisssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. cos cos cos.............. nvm..

okay lahhs, end post! (:

iim confused...

Blogged @ 6:13 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Monday, January 4, 2010

today sch re-open le!
meet up with selena to sch (: rahhhhs. first day of sch jiu raining le!
luckily she got umbrella, if not will surely become drench de.
but left sleeve n bag bag wet already.. rahhhs!
omg! today finally can sit in GALLERY le lehhs~~ hahas!!
damn excited de! :x
ahhhhs! cant believe i sec 4 tis year already! o.o time fly quite fast..
then went to our new class! do some admin as usual...
then got a GO staff come in our class room to check veri damage tings n others..
then suddenly minjie spot tat my table damage! WOOOTs~! n i got to change a new table? :D
hehes. thankkks soo much! i didnt notice at all LOL :X

yays!! first day of sch jiu receive souvenirs! hehes.
thankkkks melody n jerryl wors :D mel go taiwan n jerryl go hong kong (:
during eng lesson is new eng teacher.. then she use a 'number generator' in comp to randomly pick a number n present a special ting in our bag.
then i sui sui kanna!! TSK!!!!! x.x i am soooooooooo loss of words! omg lahhs! :x
after tat is assembly.. wooohooos~! gallery again! (:
veri funni lohhs... we sit at the back row.. then the boys beside keep complain butt pain d:
hehes. too skinny le lahhs u all! :X
after tat went back home! (: the whole day i wanted to enjoy myself more..
but then my head hurts for the whole day lohhs..
when go home, nobody was at home. so i called my mum..
she say comming back to cook pasta, then i veri excited. cos hungry liaos :X
but then when come back, she realise the ingredients she bought, is still at fairprice!
the person didnt give to her LOL. omg lahhs... then she called the fairprice lohhs.
then say next time go back n take.. then in the end dinner eat rice again.
hahas. soo funni lahhs! n weird too :x soo i jus anyhow ate someting n eat panadol..
after tat jiu go take a nap. 6.30pm like tat woke up then go bathe. watch tv n ate dinner..
8pm+ go take books from jason.. 9pm+ go give book to honey.. LOL :x
so here i am, posting! hehes.

happiie birthday ryan lim! :D

Blogged @ 7:34 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Sunday, January 3, 2010

woohooos~! here i am, blogging again lehhs! omg! hahas.
about 2.30am then i sleep, sooo tired.... tsk!
feel like can collapse any moment le! cos nid to chiong homework ):
i comfirm cannot finish all on time de. rahhhhhs!
damn lots can... i still left eng, chem, geog n ss.
the worst ting is tat, each subject is not just merely do 1worksheet. is SEVERAL.
okayokay, dont talk about the homework liaos.. move on~

so today about 9.15am woke up n watch tv again! hohos!
n now, iim waiting for 11am de show :X hehes.
shit! iim becoming tv freak le -.- but nvm.. it's REALLI NICE wad! :D
haiis, so fast tmr sch re-open liaos.. i havent enjoy enough!!!
i got soo mani tings i wanna do.. i dont wanna go back sch ):
cos i noe iim gonna face tat freaking person. ARGHHS.
on the other hand, i miss my frens!! feel like giving them a big hug siia! :x
but some will find it too mushy n dont wan de! xD

tink iim gonna end my post liaos, tata~!

Blogged @ 10:30 AM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Saturday, January 2, 2010

eeeeee. someting wrong with the music tingy.

Blogged @ 12:32 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

yesterday watch tv whole day.. at night jiu went to admiralty n buy ice-cream with mum n sis.
hehes. ice-cream! woooots~! :x
got back home n tv-ing again (:

today morning mum wake mii up to watch doraemon again.. LOL.
routine routine. hahas!
then after the show jiu help mum dye hair..
then back to watching tv again while having breakfast d:
after tat, here i am, using comp again (x
tink iim gonna wait for 1pm de show! see if nice anot :X hehes.
so i tink iim ending my post here, cos donno wad to say le.

i just nid someone to console mii n lend mii a listening ears.. ):
sometimes i realli wonder.. why do we nid to study n live life so miserably although we noe we are gonna die one day?

Blogged @ 11:34 AM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Friday, January 1, 2010

happiie new year everyone! (:
when i jus blinked my eyes last year(31dec, 11.59pm), n the clock strike 12,
it's the year 2o1o already! wooohooos!
soo cool rite? LOL :x
but a pity lahhhs..
i count down at home ):
rahhhhhs! sadded. cos i didnt go out count down before lohhs... D:
but nvm... at home watch tv bahhs.
then watch a show until veri late n went to sleep...
morning 10am my mum suddenly shout mii to wake up n watch doraemon LOL!
got 2hour movie special lehhs! hahas!
then i blur blur de get up arhhs...
quite nice actually. about their magic world n blahhs blahhs blahhs de :X

now iim still waiting for 3pm de show in tv! hehes.
tink alot of ppl shld be sleeping bahhs if they count down till veri 'early'..
n u noe wad? currently, there are still some countries havent countdown!
so we are one of the earlier country to reach year 2o1o wors! d:
hehes. soo cool lohhs!!
anyway, jus hope 2o1o will be a good year bahhs..
i jus wish to be happiie. but somehow..... haiis.
donno lahhhs... dont wanna talk about it. i jus wan tings to be better can liaos..
hmmm... so how about urs?
soooo, anyway. once again,
i jus wonder how will i spend my time later on... ):
enjoy ur day everybody! cos it's the start of a new year!

being happiie is difficult without the ones u love..

cos the ones i used to love veri much can actually hurt mii soo deeply.
some wounds just cannot be healed completely as they eventually leave a scar.
but most importantly, i realise there are others out there whom realli care about mii.
i will certainly not forget their helps n concerns. cos if not for them, i doubt i will be writing tis post i guees.
a new year, a new beginning, a fresh start! n a year older -.- hahs.
so let bygones be bygones, rite...? |:

Blogged @ 12:51 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

OMG, iim posting!
yes, iim posting!!
okayokay, stop the crap :x

today morning ate breakfast cereal, n saw something special (:

yes! it is a heart shape cereal! soo sweet~! hahas! d:

today went snow city with HONEY n SELENA :D
fun fun fun lohhhs!!!!!
we go buy the ticket n rent gloves all tat, settle hao le jiu go inside the 'cold place'.
inside is -4.7degree celcius when we go in lohhhs!
then we go the snow slope n slide~~
we go queue up n it was SUPERRRRRRRRRRR COLD! :x
when is our turn, we each sit on a small tyre n 'gou gou shou' with each other n side down~~
it was super fast n bumpy!!
the snow slope keep TOUCH MY BUTT!
then after the sliding, my pants all wet wet de! x.x
but it was damn fun! so we decided to slide again :D
n in total, we go slide 3 times!
by the third time when we are queueing, my feet is numb daooooo........
then my nose stiff stiff de.
then my hand going frozen like tat!
but anyway, it was worth it! (:

this is my first time going snow city lohhs.
great experience n DAMN COLD.
really really cold lahhs! :x
but a pity cannot go inside take picture..
then the ppl there got help us take, but to buy the photo is damn exp ):
so we take it when we are outside the cold place..
when take off all the jacket n boots,
my pants so wet! tsk!
lucky is black colour, so wont so obvious bahhs?
hahahahas. but it was pretty funny :x

here are some pics outside the cold cold place.

in toilet :x

after tat jiu go IMM ate subway!
then go walk walk n went home (:

am i actually missing u?

Blogged @ 5:50 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

long time no post le..
christmas is coming,
n yet i havent done my hw ):
how how how.
mani tings happened,
n iim quite depressed about it.
but nvm,
let bygones be bygones?

christmas eve coming,
n having dinner with family..
christmas is coming too,
but no plans yet..
tink will be spending christmas at home.

gotta sleep soon liaos,
ending post~

iim envious of those couples.. ):
they made iimposible become possible..
it is like, WOW.
indeed iim touched by their stories...

Blogged @ 11:07 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Saturday, November 14, 2009

finally bridging over le!! :D
but still have tons of homework n still nid go back sch for cca D:
sobbs sobbs.
wad holiday is tis mahh..
but i quite look forward to meet up my frens ehhs! (:
then shop shop shop,
n eat eat eat :X
going pok soon le lahhs d:

still got soooooooooooooooo mani tings i wanna buy...
but cant seems to find lehhs.
hmm hmm hmm..
end post le lahhs :x

bye bye...

Blogged @ 11:54 AM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Sunday, November 8, 2009



today finally my bday le!


but time pass by soo fast lohhs.

in the morning,

gerald n kenrich came to give mii present.


thankkk you lehhs :x

followed by minjie :D

n then christine! (:

thankkk youuu for specially coming to deliver by bday presents :X

sry soo ma fan u all lehhs! >.<

after tat went orchard with sercheng, huiling, melody, huijing, honey n selena!


we took a long time to find someting to eat for lunch.

in the end ate sakae sushi (:


eat until veri full arhhs D:

after tat went shopping again!

we walk almost the whole orchard liaos but i didnt bought a ting :X


but luckily i didnt empty handed go home.

thankkks to all those lovely presents they give! :D



now jus enjoy some pics! :D
mii n christine! (:

huiling n mii taking the long long escalator o.o
ordering for food d:
selena n mii! (:
green tea? hahas.
huijing, selena n mii :D
mel :X hohohos.
wad i ate d:
sercheng's :D
empty o.o
huiling, mii n sercheng :D

selena, huijing, mii, honey, melody :X where's huiling!! hahas.
lalalas :D
LOL! saw huiling in tis pic le d: full pic full pic. but sercheng went home le. awww.

mii n selena's hand (:
hohohos. artistic ehhs? xD
pressiie :D THANKKKK YOUUU! <3s

ii realli enjoyed my day.
hope we will go out again soon! (:

LOVES! <3>

Blogged @ 12:35 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

today time fly quite fast arhhs.
after sch rush home put bag first..
later met up with minjie, kenrich n jia ler to walk to sch..
during DNA workshop veri funni lohhs.
keep play play n take pics.
but quite boring.

soo scary lahhhs,
tmr is 1st physics SPA le!!
omg omg!
n is counted for O level ):
i donno if iim prepared or not lohhs.
cos recently did de practice until veri lousy D:
iim scared..
i didnt even managed to do finish even with the help of teacher ):
iim afraid the qns given will be difficult for mii to understand lohhs.
somemore i took a long time to read the qns :X
how do i even practise for SPA? >.<
driving mii insane.
hmphs. ):

ii wonder who noe.

if anybody coming to my house tis sat,
pls inform mii wad time u coming can?
cos ii onli free in the morning :X


Blogged @ 6:09 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

still the same ):
donno lahhs!
can't be bothered already D:
anyway it wont make a difference to them.

today long long day arhhs.
most scary of all is during chem SPA lohhs..
soo difficult lehhs.
i donno how to do lahhs!
everyting soo complicated.
then soo mani problems occur..
recently tings dont realli turns out smoothly lohhs..
iim afraid tat the worse have yet to come arhhs.
suddenly feel soo..

tmr got DNA workshop,
donno how it going to turn out..
it's gonna be a longer day tmr le arhhs.

iim realli afraid to face u again..

Blogged @ 2:58 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Monday, November 2, 2009

thankkks 15 of bananas for today again wors.
now u noe how i feel le rite? :X
u witnessed it for urself too..

today lesson quite boring arhhs.
wanna sleep le lahhhhhhs.
after sch got SPA practice,
soo difficult lohhs!
didnt managed to finish it ):
fail le lahhs..
after sch jiu went back home..

no.. i don wan it to turn out tis way..
u're getting out of control..
it's actually scaring mii..
didnt noe u're such a person ):

Blogged @ 4:28 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Saturday, October 31, 2009

today's halloween.
n iim not going out to celebrate >.<
stay at home keep chatting n playing facebook.
havent even done a single HOMEWORK!
keep get distracted.
soo cham.

he still remembers mii!
n he's getting soo _____ lahhs.

Blogged @ 7:48 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Friday, October 30, 2009

today got back report book n year book le (:
the year book quite nice arhhs the colour.
inside hai hao lahhs >.<
tink is better than previous year?
except tat some of the pages is RUIN by HIM!
see liao jiu bo mood.
sian lohhs!!

afternoon still got badminton.
went back home to put bag then go stadium alone.
bag is heavy heavy heavy de!
i don wan go cca arhhs.
soo sian lehhs ):
3hours siia,
n cos of someting..
suan le.

today kenrich soo scary lohhs.
finger bleed le still continue playing.
siao de arhs :X

after cca jiu went back home alone.

i seriously donno wad's wrong.
why did it ended up tis way..
everyting seems soo unfamiliar anymore.

will u still rmb mii..?

Blogged @ 9:21 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Thursday, October 29, 2009

luckily today got 15 of bananas around,
hehes (:
all of tis is getting more ridiculous arhhs.
wth lahhs.


2more days..

Blogged @ 4:27 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

i feel my mood going UPPPPP n DOWNNNNN n UPPPPP n DOWNNNNNN..
they didnt seem to realise anyting wrong.
my presence makes no difference to them... ):
breaks my heartt.
neither did they asked,
nor feel anyting.
i feel like we are drifting apart.
n is way faaaaaaaaaaaaar apart.

are those who are there for u during high n low,
show concern,
n be ur listening ears.
not those who simply ignore u n dampen ur spirit..

but fortunately,
i realise there are others who helped mii along tis sad time..
n i can't stop but wanting to thankkk them arhhs :x
without them,
i donno wad am i going to do le..

soo far,
in my sec life,
i experienced a lot a lot of tings.
n also learn to accept the fact bahhs?

i noe there's still more to come de.
but wad can i do..? D:
can someone pls jus rescue mii out of tis situation? ):
iim realli at a lost.....
n iim seriously tired of it.

ii feel soo useless ):

Blogged @ 8:54 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

sad sad sad. ):
i don wan it to happen..
all of tat seems soo strange n different.. D:
i also donno wad i can say le.
soo bwg lohhs..

thankkks to those who lent a listening ears to mii :D
realli realli veri greatful (:
n also those who brighten up my mood A LOT lols!!
soo funni lahhs them d:
make my mood soo high :x
jus realli wanna thankkks them veri veri veri veri veri much.
for being there for mii (:
now i noe who is realli there for mii when i needed someone..

ii wonder will we be chatting merrily again..

Blogged @ 3:30 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Monday, October 26, 2009

seriously damn no mood.
how ii wish they were there for mii ):
if onli iim with them..
i wouldnt feel tis way bahhs.
in a confuse state lahhhs.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs! >:(

Blogged @ 6:32 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Sunday, October 25, 2009

tmr got cca.
sian sian sian!
tmr lesson end at 12.40pm.
then still nid wait veri long then go woodlands stadium for badminton.
lazy le arhs..
somemore throughout the holiday also got cca 3days a week..
tiring arhs

someting unbelievable actually happened tis couple of days.
omg lahhs.
i realli didnt expect it lohhs.
hope it don't turns out to be bad >.<

end post n BYEEE BYEEE! :D

Blogged @ 8:12 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

iim back posting again! :D
my fever subside le (:
my cough n flu is still there D:
cough until throat pain lohhs >.<
but now iim still feeling better than the first few days when iim sick :D
soo mani ppl also sick lohhs recently :O
even the one sitting beside mii de jerryl lim is sick!
did i pass it to him? :x
last week soo mani ppl didnt come lohhs?
heard tat left until 20+ ppl in class LOL :X

virus SHOOOO arhs~~~! (:

Blogged @ 5:09 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Friday, September 4, 2009

today didnt went to sch again..
my head is still hurting.
n my fever is not subsiding..
today morning i go take my temp,
it rose to 38.3degrees..
about not long ago,
i go take temp again,
it rose to 38.5degrees D:
it seems to be getting higher lohhs!
why why why..?
iim quite scared actually..
wad if it's realli h1n1?
then i cant post on blog again..
cannot see my frens n family..
cannot fufil my wishes..
n tat will be the end of mii? D:
n iim feeling weak all over!
feel like collapsing le arhs.
n all those sch works are waiting for mii..
i cant even tink properly with my head hurting like siao! D:

Blogged @ 2:37 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Thursday, September 3, 2009

today didnt go to sch.
i feel soo horrible, terrible + vegetable lahhs.
my head is super super pain de!
somemore body aching all over.
feels like being tortured.
yesterday during lesson feel unwell..
then i realli bth jiu after sch go GO.
thankkks huiling for the help yesterday! :D
then 3pm+ go see doctor,
then waited for soo long lohhs!
omg lahhs.
then like wan to collapse like tat.
temp is 38degree..
then the doctor say nid stay at home for 7days!
well le also cannot go out.
then if fever don subsude jiu nid go hospital le.
donno why suddenly sick lor..
soo weird.
saded lahhs D:

Blogged @ 4:01 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..

Monday, August 31, 2009

30th august 2009:
yays! went sci centre with selena n honey! :D
took alot alot of pictures lohhs d:
we wanted to meet up at 10am,
in the end around 11am then meet :X
we board mrt to jurong east then wanted to walk to sci centre.
we took a long walk to imm,
around imm n went back jurong east bus interchange again -.-
soo take bus go there instead LOL.
feel so dumb dumb like tat >.<

when we reached there,
we decided to watch imax movie (space station).
the theatre quite steep..
went there for the 2nd time le :X
go there will feel giddy giddy de lohhs.
after watching jiu went mac!
then start on our sci centre tour~
walk until the sci centre wan close le..
after tat jiu went imm to shop shop!

bought teacher's day presents n eat dinner there (:
we ate ajisen(is it like tat spell) lols.
shop until veri late lohhs!
cos nid to buy class de food for the next day celebration.
after jiu take mrt..
mii n honey alight at admiralty,
in the end went prime market to buy.. :X
selena then nid to board until yishun >.<
home sweet home! (:


alot of white birds :x
tis pic de photographer is selena d: ROARRS!
mii n honey (:

selena n mii (:

the theatre.
the 3 of us!


AHHHS! where's her body!

say "cheese!"

selena grabbing honey's head LOL :x

OPPS! my turn to be grabbed! >.<


hahas! funni lahhs both of them! :D

klein bottle. it says tat it don have inside nor outside. cos its inside is its outside n vice versa.




half face is honey's half face is mine LOL!
look skinny!

full of warmth :X

cute ehhs!

can spot the creature? :x
AHHHHS! hissing cockcroach! D:

i forget the name le :x

omg, soo cute lor!


big head.

shark attack! woo hooo! wait till my mum sees this! xD
3 of us ;D

hahas! see tat guy at the left? he waited for us to take the photo. i feel soo malu lor :X


honey's skeleton d:

my turn!
real human brain.

hohos! THE END (:

Blogged @ 10:34 PM
wondering why we bother with ♥ if it never last..